Trusting your drawing skills

Question from Marianne Maher, fine artist from Abu Dhabi

My name is Marianne and I’m enjoying learning from good teachers like you. Your support really means the world to me. I’ve studied arts at a fine art university, but my teachers are always busy with their own exhibitions. They tend to laugh at my drawings, but not give me a lot of constructive criticism. I’ve tried to teach myself as much as possible, but I don’t trust my drawing skills. I have that feeling that I’ll never reach the point of a professional artist. Please see my art at, and tell me what you think of it. I’m sure my art isn’t great and I would love to hear what to do to improve it.
Thank you,
Marianne Maher
Answer from Vladimir London, Anatomy Master Class tutor
Dear Marianne,
Many thanks for your story, paintings and questions.
I like your art; you have a unique and recognizable style, which is very good.
Regarding your self-confidence issues, I have to say that learning art is not a project, but a life-long process. As one of the best artists of all time, Michelangelo Buonarroti once said: “I’m still learning”.
Put meaningful tasks for every piece of artwork. Get clear ideas and goals of what you want to achieve and work patiently and persistently on achieving those goals.
Every small goal has to be in the direction you want to go. Don’t have unrealistic expectations like “in 3 months I want to be as good as Michelangelo and universally famous.”
Instead, set very clear tasks like – this week, “I want to learn a human body proportions” or “I want to do quick gesture-sketches of various body poses”, or maybe “I want to learn the human face anatomy” and so on.
Every small accomplished task will bring you one step closer to the big goal you have in front of you.
There is no other way. No one will do it for you.
There is only one person in this world is responsible for your creative success – yourself.
You can ask questions and discuss ideas with Anatomy Master Class tutors, we will be happy to help.
Kind regards,
Vladimir London
Anatomy Master Class tutor
I don’t know why you feel inadequate about your paintings; they are absolutely wonderful. I have been through the same challenge in my earlier days, filled with self-doubt, but not now. I got rid of that feeling and simply moved on. To repeat, you have created some lovely work. Thank you for sharing. I will certainly facebook your website.
Ron Larter
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